Happy New Year!
Fall of 2012 saw few updates to this site - but not because i wasn't making new comics. Rather the opposite, I was immersed in two big projects that i'll post more on soon, as well as lots of thinking on comics through the course I developed and taught this fall at Teachers College, Columbia U (check out the wikisite for articles and resources galore here: www.comicsclassroom.wikispaces.org).
I also attended a few conferences this fall to present on my comics dissertation. In these talks, I advocated for the inclusion of comics as legitimate discourse within and without the academy. A lot of fun and great responses. You can check out a pictorial version of my talk at HASTAC in December here: http://comicsclassroom.wikispaces.com/file/view/Sousanis+Hastac+VisualTalk.pdf.
HASTAC is a great group rethinking education and definitely worth checking out.
More to come - Nick
Big Goals, Little Promises
17 years ago