Created in conjunction with Graeme Sullivan's "Visual Arts Research" class at TC. Closely related to the recent "Bi(bli)ography" as well as a spiritual cousin to "In the Box/Out of the Box" from some time ago. - Nick
(note, this is a revised version which replaces an earlier - now deleted - posting.)

I love this idea of a 3-D comic!
Thanks, Andrew.
I've thought about spatial comics that you walk through - and likely will produce one at some point. This was done at the suggestion of my wife. The comic was initially designed as a 4 page standard format book, given the subject matter, she suggested making it as a cube - i then redesigned it to the 6 square pages. I think the format reinforces the theme, since i could use a regular patter of boxes on the page, and slowly break that down as the comic progressed. I was intrigued by the idea that new connections could be made between panels in 3dimensions. Watching people turn it the wrong way in reading a slightly earlier version made me reconsider, and i went back and added the arrows that appear around the page numbers, which i hope at least lets people know which way i intend it to read, even if they choose something else.
Long response for a short comment. - Nick
Hi Nick, sorry for not commenting sooner - life is so busy! I thought your earlier version was interesting, but it seemed to be missing that multi-layered thing that you do so well. Now that I see the final version that you make into a box - well, that was the zinger I was waiting for. Very cool!
Captain America found the cosmic cube -- now we have the Comic Cube!
Reread this -- now I want to read all the books you referred to!
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