Monday, July 30, 2012

Flattening education - preview image

The other day, i had the opportunity to connect with Prof. Morna McDermott and the two of us went to visit with Maxine Greene (see my comic on her here). The ensuing conversation sprawled all that's going on with education and possibilities for change. Morna wrote up her reflections incorporating some images of my work on flatness from the dissertation. It's important work and i'm glad to be connected to it. Check it out here:

Related, I've started chapter two, or perhaps an interlude between chapters one and two, and within i'm doing a direct reference to Edwin A. Abbott's classic work Flatland. I happen to show the layout to my wife last night and she said something about my never repeating a composition. I don't know that that's true - but i think about content as shaping form, and the form in turn shaping the content - which means that the shape of the page itself as much as the elements on it, voice the ideas. Or something like that... Anyhow, here's a peak at the picture-less version of one of the pages that takes up Flatland. I'm planning to post the entire sequence shortly. - Nick


The Annotated Barbarian said...

What an honor to meet Maxine Greene. I also enjoyed the thoughts at Education Alchemy inspired by your images. A lot to think about.

nsousanis said...

Yeah, Maxine rocks. She's been a great supporter since i made that first piece on her way back. Really a privilege to work with her. Morna rocks too - important thinking and need to keep challenging where we're headed... thanks, Nick